Practice ManagementSecurityTechnology 27 January 2023 Social media compliance as an Independent Financial Adviser Social media is one of the most influential marketing assets that a business can utilise,… Amanda de Bruyn Love0
Practice ManagementSecurityTechnology 25 January 2023 Compliance and tech: What IFAs need to know It's no secret that IFAs can't afford to let their guard down when it comes… Johan Vosloo Love0
Practice ManagementSecurityTechnology 6 December 2022 Cloud-based software for the modern-day business Cloud computing services have exploded in recent years. It has surged in demand and popularity… Amanda de Bruyn Love0
SecurityTechnology 30 September 2022 Leveraging AI in the financial advice space – potential risks and how to mitigate them Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being integrated evermore in the financial advice space, and while there… Johan Vosloo Love0
SecurityTechnology 28 March 2022 Big vs small: Is there an information security imbalance? Information security has gone mainstream. No longer the sole domain of IT specialists, maintaining data… Johan Vosloo Love0